Friday, August 30, 2013

How to type some text in hidden field in WebDriver

First of all you have to change the value of type attribute as text from hidden. The following code using javascript would work for that:
jse.executeScript("document.getElementsByName('body')[0].setAttribute('type', 'text');");

Now, you are able to type on that text by using WebDriver. So, the overall code for typing with WebDriver using Java and Javascript as follows:

JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
jse.executeScript("document.getElementsByName('body')[0].setAttribute('type', 'text');");
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='body']")).sendKeys("Ripon: body text");

Runing test script in multiple browsers using WebDriver

TestNG :">
<suite name="Parallel test suite">
  <test name="Firefox Test">
  <parameter name="browser" value="firefox"/>
      <class name="com.pack.ParallelTest"/>
  <test name="Chrome Test">
  <parameter name="browser" value="chrome"/>
      <class name="com.pack.ParallelTest"/>
    <test name="Internet Explorer Test">
    <parameter name="browser" value="iexplore"/>
      <class name="com.pack.ParallelTest"/>

Write your Java WebDriver code as below:

public void setUp(String browser) {
              driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
              driver = new FirefoxDriver();
              driver = new ChromeDriver();

Web Table Handling With Selenium

public static void main(String[] args)
 WebElement table_element = driver.findElement("testTable"));
        List tr_collection=table_element.findElements(By.xpath("id('testTable')/tbody/tr"));

        System.out.println("NUMBER OF ROWS IN THIS TABLE = "+tr_collection.size());
        int row_num,col_num;
        for(WebElement trElement : tr_collection)
            List td_collection=trElement.findElements(By.xpath("td"));
            System.out.println("NUMBER OF COLUMNS="+td_collection.size());
            for(WebElement tdElement : td_collection)
                System.out.println("row # "+row_num+", col # "+col_num+ "text="+tdElement.getText());


Xpath Writing in Selenium WebDriver


Syntax for XPath: XPath=//tagname[@attribute='value']

Contains(): ‘contains’ operator is to check for any matching text available in the attribute value.
//a[contains(text(),’Create’)]  (OR) //a[contains(.,’Create’)] 
String(): String function is used to covert any type of datatype in string. Refer above table for xpath
Last(): This function find last element from the list of elements.

Position(): This function is used to find specified positioned element from the list of elements.
Fetching last 5 record
//input[@type='checkbox']//a[position()>=last()-4 and position()<=last()]
Index: This function is same as position() function where index number can be mentioned to get specific element.
//a[(@id!='foo') and starts-with(@id,'foo')]
//input[starts-with(@id, 'xyz') and contains(@id, 'abc')]

ends-with function is available for Xpath 2.0 and usually browsers lib uses xpath 1.0

Verify google logo is displayed or not in google homepage (String position start from 0)
//div[substring(@title, string-length(@title) - 2) = 'gle']
//div[substring-before(text(), ':') = 'Username']
//div[substring-after(text(), ':') = 'Username']
Following: Selects all nodes in the document after the closing tag of the current node
//span[text()='Opportunity Name:']/following::input
//span[text()='Opportunity Name:']/following:://input

Following-sibling: Selects all siblings nodes after the current node
//span[text()='Opportunity Name:']/following-sibling::span[1] 
//span[text()='Opportunity Name:']/following-sibling::*/span[1] 

Preceding: Selects all nodes in the document before the current node
//span[text()='Opportunity Name:']/preceding::span
//span[text()='Opportunity Name:']/preceding:://span

Preceding-sibling: Selects all siblings elements before the current node
//span[text()='Opportunity Name:']/preceding-sibling::span
//span[text()='Opportunity Name:']/preceding-sibling:://span

To grab all the LIs between bob And roger.
//ul/li[preceding-sibling::li='bob' and following-sibling::li='roger']

Parent(/..): Selects the parent elements of the current node
//span[text()='Opportunity Name:']/parent::div

Child: Selects all children elements for a current node

Ancestor: To find an element on the basis of the parent element.
Ancestor-or-self: Selects all ancestors for a current node including the current node itself
//table[text()='Opportunity']/ancestor-or-self::*[self::input or self::select or self::span or self::div]
Normalize-space():: To remove unwanted space or new line from string.                    //div[(normalize-space())='Accidental']/div[contains(@class,'price-amount')]//div[(normalize-space(text()))='Accidental']/div[contains(@class,'price-amount')]//a[namespace-uri()=''][text() = 'Public Profile']
Descendant: (// is just an abbreviation for the descendant:: axis)
Selects all descendants children and grandchild for a specified node

Selects all descendants children for a specified node including the current node itself
//table[text()='Opportunity']/descendant-or-self::*[self::input or self::select or self::span or self::div]

/input[@placeholder='Model' and not(@disabled)]

And: AND operator is conditional operator, where it will find the element when 2 or more condition are true.
//div[@class='search' and @id='searchinput']

OR: OR operator is conditional operator, where it will find the element when any of the condition are true.IF both the condition are true then it will show 2 result.
//div[@class='search' or @id='searchinput']
Concat(|): To combine two Xpaths statements into a single Xpath statement using  '|'

One Of The Span:
//li[.//span[text()='syam'] or .//span[text()='pakala']]

Both Of The Span
//li[.//span[text()='syam'] and .//span[text()='pakala']] 

count(//*[contains(text(), 'J K.')])
count(//text()[contains(., 'J K.')])
Not Equal(!=): "!=" Not equal to operator is used to exclude any specific element.
This function is used to ignore case. So if the letter is in lower or upper case, we can ignore the case and find out the elements.
//*[translate(text(),'G','g')='google offered ']
MOD: MOD operator is modulus operator. In below example, it will find the list element which start from 2 and next element will be of 4th place. So if you write Mod 3=1 then it will find the element from first and next element will third and so on.
//input[@type='checkbox']//a[position() mod 4=2]
Non-Breaking Space in XPath: 
non-breaking space (nbsp) issue while automating web applications. Using \u00a0 character is a non-breaking space character that can be helped to prevent consecutive whitespace characters from collapsing into a single space.
//a[text()='Privacy Policy'] will be //a[text()='Privacy\u00a0Policy']
//a[text()='Privacy&nbsp;Policy'] will be //a[text()='Privacy\u00a0Policy'] 
String-length(): Returns the length of the string specified by the context node.
Getting Text from Parent element only:
Round: Functions for rounding numbers in your data source.You can round to the nearest integer (round).
Floor: Functions for rounding numbers in your data source. Always round down (floor)

Element Identification with CSS Selector: 

CSS selectors typically offer better, faster, and more reliable performance than XPath in most web browsers.

Css Selector Table

1. Element Selector  css=htmltag  First element with given html tag.
 EX:  input
2. ID:
 EX:  #ModalPopupDiv
3. Class:
 EX:  .ModalPopupreff 
4. Css Inner Text:
EX: a:contains('Log Out') - Means Contains
 div[innerText='textname']                                                                                                                             div[textContent='textname']
5. Combining selector Class or ID 
 css=thmltag.class  css=htmltag#idname
EX: div.ModalPopupreff
6. Combination selectors- other attributes
 EX:  Full attribute value: div[id='ModalPopupDiv']
           Contains '*': div[id*='PopupDiv']
           Starts with '^':  div[id^='Modal']
           Ends with '$': div[id$='Div']
           Not Contains: div[id*='PopupDiv']:not([id*='Modal'])

7.With Multiple Attributes
   EX: div[id='ModalPopupDiv'][class='ModalPopupreff']
8.  Direct Child Selectors
  EX: div>label>span[id=ModalPopupDiv]

9. Sub-child (Descendant):
  EX: body input
10. Css with position or pseudo class - child
11. Css with position or pseudo class - type of child
12. Css with not
 EX: input:not(.required)

13. Css with only-child (It selects the element which is only child of it parent)
14. Css with Adjacent Sibling (select an element that follows another element)
#ModalPopupDiv + input
15. Css with Tilde ~ for General Sibling (select an sibling element that not necessarily an immediate)
span ~ input
16. Css with OR
17. Css with AND
18. Css with pseudo class

Find Xpath from Active form:

Label Name:
//div[contains(@class,'active')]//form//label[./span[contains(text(),'Account Name')]]
Input Box:
//div[contains(@class,'active')]//form//label[./span[contains(text(),'First Name')]]/parent::*/input
Select Box:
//div[contains(@class,'active')]//form//label[./span[contains(text(),'Lead Status')]]/parent::*/select
RTF Box (Description):
Saved Data:
//div[@class='active oneContent']//form[contains(@class,'forceDetailPanel inlineEditEnabled')]//div[contains(@class,'labelCol')][./span[text()='Account Name']]/..//div[@class='dataCol readonly']/span

Finding Cell values based on Column Name in Web Table:

To get the column position in the Table:
To get Cell Date:
//table[@id='AccountTableDivTableID']/tbody/tr/td[count(//table[@id='AccountTableDivTableID']/thead/tr/th/div[.='Account Name']/../preceding-sibling::th)+1]

Salesforce: UI Automation XPath Template

1. If the Field you need appears to the right of the label,(//text()[normalize-space()='Label>']//ancestor::td[contains(@class,'labelCol')])[1]/following-sibling::td[1]//TagName>[Attributes]


2. If the Field you need appears to the left of the label (not unlikely especially with Checkboxes),


3. If neither work, we might be dealing with a field and label that belong to the same containing element. This is rare in standard Edit and Details Pages, but not uncommon across the application


Close to 95% of the Objects found on the Edit & Details Pages (Excluding Tables/Related Lists) follow Template 1.


For the xpath to be functional in your scripts all you need to do is
1. Replace Label> with the Complete Label adjoining the field you need. This is Mandatory
2. Replace //TagName>[Attributes] with specific Tag Names and Attributes of the Field. This is typically one of the following unless the field is a text display (in which case remove this part of the template)

    Text Fields: //input[@type=’text’]
    Editable Check Boxes: //input[@type='checkbox']
    Check Box Images: //img[contains(@class,'check')]
    Look Up Icons: //img[contains(@class,'lookupIcon')]
    Text Areas: //textarea
    Drop Downs: //select
    Links: //a
    Buttons : //input[@title='title attribute' and @class='btn']
                  //button[text()='button name' and (@type='button' or @type='submit')]
    Other Images: //img

If the fields are more complex, you can always add additional filters to the final element using any of its stable attributes. Easy Breezy.

1. If you need the Account Name Text Box, the xpath will be:(//text()[normalize-space()='Account Name']//ancestor::td[contains(@class,'labelCol')])[1]/following-sibling::td[1]//input[@type='text']

2. If you need the text displayed against Account Owner (not a text box), the xpath will be:
(//text()[normalize-space()='Account Owner]//ancestor::td[contains(@class,'labelCol')])[1]/following-sibling::td[1]

3. If Account Name has a Look Up icon you need to use, the xpath will be:
(//text()[normalize-space()='Account Name']//ancestor::td[contains(@class,'labelCol')])[1]/following-sibling::td[1]//img[contains(@class,'lookupIcon')]

4. If you need the Type drop down box, the xpath will be:

5. If you need the Description textarea box, the xpath will be:

6. If you need the Checkbox with left side label, the xpath will be:
   If you need the Checkbox with right side label, the xpath will be:
//label[text()='Assign using active assignment rules']/preceding-sibling::input[@type='checkbox']

7. If you need the xpath for Start Date link, the xpath will be:
(//text()[normalize-space()='Start Date']//ancestor::td[contains(@class,'labelCol')])[1]/following-sibling::td[1]//a

8. If you need the xpath for Task Subject image, the xpath will be:

9. If you need the xpath for New button, the xpath will be:
//input[@title='New' and @class='btn']
//input[@title='New' and (@type='button' or @type='submit')]

If you need the xpath for Save button, the xpath will be:
//td[@id='topButtonRow']//input[@title='Save' and @class='btn']
//td[@id='bottomButtonRow']//input[@title='Save' and @class='btn']

Label based Xpath:Input Field and Check Box:
EX: //input[@id=(//label[text()="Account Name"]/@for)]

Drop Down Field:
EX: //select[@id=(//label[text()="Type"]/@for)]

Rich Text Field:
EX: //textarea[@id=(//label[text()="Description"]/@for)]

EX: //button[@id=(//label[text()="Save"]/@for)]
//input[@title='New' and (@type='button' or @type='submit')]

LookUp Image:
EX: //input[@id=(//label[text()='Account Name']/@for)]/following-sibling::a/img[contains(@class,'lookupIcon')]
//input[@id=(//label[text()='Account Name']/@for)]/following-sibling::*//img[contains(@class,'lookupIcon')]

//input[@id=(//label[text()='Close Date']/@for)]/following-sibling::*//a
' and @class='btn']<br />                  //button[text()='<button name>' and (@type='button' or @type='submit')]<br />    Other Images: //img<br /><br />If the fields are more complex, you can always add additional filters to the final element using any of its stable attributes. Easy Breezy.<br />Examples:<br /><br /><b>1. If you need the Account Name Text Box, the xpath will be:<br /></b>(//text()[normalize-space()='A<wbr></wbr>ccount Name']//ancestor::td[contains(<wbr></wbr>@class,'labelCol')])[1]/follow<wbr></wbr>ing-sibling::td[1]//input[@<wbr></wbr>type='text']<b><br /><br />2. If you need the text displayed against Account Owner (not a text box), the xpath will be:<br /></b>(//text()[normalize-space()='A<wbr></wbr>ccount Owner]//ancestor::td[contains(<wbr></wbr>@class,'labelCol')])[1]/follow<wbr></wbr>ing-sibling::td[1]<br />(//text()[normalize-space()='P<wbr></wbr>hone']//ancestor::td[contains(<wbr></wbr>@class,'labelCol')])[1]/<wbr></wbr>following-sibling::td[1]/div<b><br /><br />3. If Account Name has a Look Up icon you need to use, the xpath will be:<br /></b>(//text()[normalize-space()='A<wbr></wbr>ccount Name']//ancestor::td[contains(<wbr></wbr>@class,'labelCol')])[1]/follow<wbr></wbr>ing-sibling::td[1]//img[contai<wbr></wbr>ns(@class,'lookupIcon')]<b><br /><br />4. If you need the Type drop down box, the xpath will be:<br /></b>(//text()[normalize-space()='T<wbr></wbr>ype']//ancestor::td[contains(@<wbr></wbr>class,'labelCol')])[1]/followi<wbr></wbr>ng-sibling::td[1]//select<b><br /><br />5. If you need the Description textarea box, the xpath will be:<br /></b>(//text()[normalize-space()='D<wbr></wbr>escription']//ancestor::td[con<wbr></wbr>tains(@class,'labelCol')])[1]/<wbr></wbr>following-sibling::td[1]//text<wbr></wbr>area<b><br /><br />6. If you need the Checkbox with left side label, the xpath will be:<br /></b>(//text()[normalize-space()='A<wbr></wbr>ctive']//ancestor::td[contains<wbr></wbr>(@class,'labelCol')])[1]/<wbr></wbr>following-sibling::td[1]//inpu<wbr></wbr>t[@type='checkbox']<b><br />   If you need the Checkbox with right side label, the xpath will be:<br /></b>//label[text()='Assign using active assignment rules']/preceding-sibling::inp<wbr></wbr>ut[@type='checkbox']<b><br /><br />7. If you need the xpath for Start Date link, the xpath will be:<br /></b>(//text()[normalize-space()='S<wbr></wbr>tart Date']//ancestor::td[contains(<wbr></wbr>@class,'labelCol')])[1]/follow<wbr></wbr>ing-sibling::td[1]//a<b><br /><br />8. If you need the xpath for Task Subject image, the xpath will be:<br /></b>(//text()[normalize-space()='S<wbr></wbr>ubject']//ancestor::td[contain<wbr></wbr>s(@class,'labelCol')])[1]/<wbr></wbr>following-sibling::td[1]//img<b><br /><br />9. If you need the xpath for New button, the xpath will be:<br /></b>//input[@title='New' and @class='btn']<br />//input[@title='New' and (@type='button' or @type='submit')]<br /><br /><b>If you need the xpath for Save button, the xpath will be:</b><br />//td[@id='topButtonRow']//<wbr></wbr>input[@title='Save' and @class='btn']<br />//td[@id='topButtonRow']//<wbr></wbr>input[@title='Save']<br />//td[@id='bottomButtonRow']//<wbr></wbr>input[@title='Save' and @class='btn']<br />//td[@id='bottomButtonRow']//<wbr></wbr>input[@title='Save']<br /><br /><br /><b>Label based Xpath:<br /><br /></b><b>Input Field and Check Box:</b><br />EX: //input[@id=(//label[text()="A<wbr></wbr>ccount Name"]/@for)]<br /><br /><b>Drop Down Field:</b><br />EX: //select[@id=(//label[text()="<wbr></wbr>Type"]/@for)]<br /><br /><b>Rich Text Field:</b><br />EX: //textarea[@id=(//label[text()<wbr></wbr>="Description"]/@for)]<br /><br /><b>Button:</b><br />EX: //button[@id=(//label[text()="<wbr></wbr>Save"]/@for)]<br />OR<br />//input[@title='New' and (@type='button' or @type='submit')]<br /><br /><b>LookUp Image:</b><br />EX: //input[@id=(//label[text()='A<wbr></wbr>ccount Name']/@for)]/following-siblin<wbr></wbr>g::a/img[contains(@class,'<wbr></wbr>lookupIcon')]<br />OR<br />//input[@id=(//label[text()='A<wbr></wbr>ccount Name']/@for)]/following-siblin<wbr></wbr>g::*//img[contains(@class,'<wbr></wbr>lookupIcon')]<br /><br /><b>Link:</b><br />//input[@id=(//label[text()='C<wbr></wbr>lose Date']/@for)]/following-siblin<wbr></wbr>g::*//a</p> </div> </p> </div>