Friday, February 13, 2015

Exceptions that may happen in all the webdriver code

Exceptions that may happen in all the webdriver code.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotSelectableException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
exception selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Thrown to indicate that although an element is present on the DOM, it is not visible, and so is not able to be interacted with.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.ErrorInResponseException(response, msg)
An error has occurred on the server side.
This may happen when communicating with the firefox extension or the remote driver server.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.ImeActivationFailedException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Indicates that activating an IME engine has failed.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.ImeNotAvailableException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Indicates that IME support is not available. This exception is thrown for every IME-related method call if IME support is not available on the machine.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidCookieDomainException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Thrown when attempting to add a cookie under a different domain than the current URL.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidElementStateException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
exception selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Thrown when the selector which is used to find an element does not return a WebElement. Currently this only happens when the selector is an xpath expression is used which is either syntactically invalid (i.e. it is not a xpath expression) or the expression does not select WebElements (e.g. “count(//input)”).
exception selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSwitchToTargetException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
The frame or window target to be switched doesn’t exist.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Indicates that the target provided to the actions move() method is invalid
exception selenium.common.exceptions.NoAlertPresentException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
exception selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchAttributeException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
find_element_by_* can’t find the element.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
find_element_by_* can’t find the element.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchFrameException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
exception selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchWindowException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
exception selenium.common.exceptions.RemoteDriverServerException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
exception selenium.common.exceptions.StaleElementReferenceException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Indicates that a reference to an element is now “stale” — the element no longer appears on the DOM of the page.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Thrown when a command does not complete in enough time.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.UnableToSetCookieException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Thrown when a driver fails to set a cookie.
exception selenium.common.exceptions.UnexpectedTagNameException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)
Thrown when a support class did not get an expected web element
exception selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException(msg=None, screen=None, stacktrace=None)